Personality Types & Leadership

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® & TypeCoach

Coaching with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® & Type Coach

Helping you determine your true preferences

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, and her mother, Katharine Briggs, to make the insights of Carl Jung ‘s Theory of Psychological Type understandable and usable. The essence of the theory is people have preferences for how they perceive and judge information, where they derive energy, and their outer-world orientation. Thus, confounding variations in other’s behavior are quite explicable and manifest in 16 distinct Types.

Whether your goal is to learn about yourself or have your team learn about themselves and each other, Type can be invaluable. We utilize both the MBTI® and TypeCoach® to determine to your Type according to Jung.

Myers-Briggs in a Nutshell

The Psychological Type model consists of four dichotomies: two functions and two attitudes. Everyone has a preference with respect to each dichotomy – this is a person’s Myers-Briggs Type (e.g., ESTJ). The Perception Functions account for all the ways of becoming aware of information about the environment, ideas, people, and things. The Perceptions functions are Sensing (the “S” in the Type Model) and Intuition (the “N” in the Type Model). Sensing describes when a person takes in information through the five senses. Intuition describes what happens after a person takes in information via the Sensing Function. Intuitive information is the pattern, meanings and implications.

The Judging Functions account for all the ways of analyzing and coming to conclusions about what has been perceived through Sensing and Intuition. There are two ways of Judging information: Thinking and Feeling (the “T” and “F,” respectively, in the Type Model). Thinking Judgment relies on objective assessments about information. Feeling Judgment relies on a person’s subjective view, which tends to be person and values based, about information.

The first of the “attitude” dichotomies is Extraversion and Introversion. Contrary to popular belief, this does not distinguish between people who like people and those who don’t. Rather, a preference for Extraversion means that a person, on balance, derive energy from being in the extraverted world or people and activity. A preference for Introversion means that a person prefers the inner world of ideas and reflection.

Lastly, outer-world orientation describes whether a person uses their preferred Judging or Perceiving Function in the outer world. If the former, the person appears more scheduled, decided, and organized. If the latter, the person appears flexible and open.

The Myers-Briggs® and Type Coach tools can provide the basis for a board, leadership or staff retreat or workshop.